I see that there is some sort of “amoeba” (naegleria fowleri) within the ocean/water consciousness that is attacking the intuition, emotions, collective sacral energy, + divine feminine collective energy. Naegleria fowleri is a brain eating amoeba. Aka - this parasite is attacking the consciousness + crown chakras esp of the divine feminine consciousness.

Whenever you have something that is attacking the crown this can be seen as an “MK UItra” or possession of one’s vessel. People are being hijacked, esp the divine feminine consciousness.

It is causing the waters to do strange things. This was planted to lower vibrations. However, oddly enough it seems the divine has “hijacked” the parasite + is now utilizing it to regenerate or usher in a regeneration of the oceans/water so that we as a society can reflect that through a strengthened intuition, sacral chakra, womb space, + divine feminine energy. Almost like what is being done with the virus (which was also originally an attack on the crown).

If there is any importance of cleaning up the oceans/waters that comes out, this is divinely guided. New foundations are being ushered in that are built with divine feminine wisdom + energy. There is an urge + need to utilize divine feminine intelligence: intuition and instinct (gut).

Ground yourself + tap into nature to really tap into the instinctual intelligence. Shapeshift into the jaguar spirit. Take care of your body + heal your gut to strengthen this intelligence.

All systems built on toxic masculine energy will fall. There is no going back. We must as a collective increase our faith and strengthen our intuitive energy. We must continue to raise our vibrations. Meditate. Stop neglecting your spiritual routines. Come out of fear + overly obsessive conspiracy theories. Be aware responsibly. Heal + don’t rush the process. The time of destruction is happening right now so do your shadow work! Do not rush past the dark phase. It is needed. Utilize the moon cycles.


Detoxing + Crying


Tune into: “Personal Balance”