2025 is the year of the maiden. If you’re not familiar with what that is - a maiden year tends to be an adventurous year of new beginnings where you are an apprentice or beginner in some way undergoing an initiation.
In the year 2025, the need to take risks and make bold changes will be absolutely necessary for those seeking to uncover their spiritual purpose. Playing it safe will no longer suffice, as the world undergoes a profound transformation that demands a deeper level of self-exploration, spiritual knowing, innovative thinking, + thinking outside of the box. Those who heed the call will find themselves on a triggering path of highs + lows unlocking the mysteries of their existence through diving deeper into themselves, learning of their past lives, and aligning their lives with a higher purpose.
Now, although 2025 is a maiden year for many you mind find that this particular message will resonate with you if some or all of the following resonate:
you identify with being a maiden
you’ve been doing inner child healing
you feel an abrupt urge to make major changes in your life (especially moving somewhere new)
you were born into a religious family or have religious wounds
you lost a group of friends, friend, or feel like you no longer resonate with your social circle
you have been dealing with certain physical symptoms or health issues
you have history in sex work or taboo lines of work
you were a rebel or black sheep growing up
you didn’t have just one friend group growing up
you’re a writer
you speak multiple languages or you’re feeling called to learn a new one
The following syncs may also resonate + show that this reading is for you + you are apart of this group: Alice, Persephone, Red Riding Hood, Barbie, France, astrocartography, Moon line, IC line, Neptune line, shadow masculine, nun, Thailand, Los Angeles, Mickey, Disney, queen, red moon cycle, kundalini, sacral power, dragon (esp white), white snakes, Eve, vedic astrology, angels
Are you ready for the beginning of a new you, a new life, + a new world? Let’s talk
2025 is the year of the maiden. If you’re not familiar with what that is - a maiden year tends to be an adventurous year of new beginnings where you are an apprentice or beginner in some way undergoing an initiation.
In the year 2025, the need to take risks and make bold changes will be absolutely necessary for those seeking to uncover their spiritual purpose. Playing it safe will no longer suffice, as the world undergoes a profound transformation that demands a deeper level of self-exploration, spiritual knowing, innovative thinking, + thinking outside of the box. Those who heed the call will find themselves on a triggering path of highs + lows unlocking the mysteries of their existence through diving deeper into themselves, learning of their past lives, and aligning their lives with a higher purpose.
Now, although 2025 is a maiden year for many you mind find that this particular message will resonate with you if some or all of the following resonate:
you identify with being a maiden
you’ve been doing inner child healing
you feel an abrupt urge to make major changes in your life (especially moving somewhere new)
you were born into a religious family or have religious wounds
you lost a group of friends, friend, or feel like you no longer resonate with your social circle
you have been dealing with certain physical symptoms or health issues
you have history in sex work or taboo lines of work
you were a rebel or black sheep growing up
you didn’t have just one friend group growing up
you’re a writer
you speak multiple languages or you’re feeling called to learn a new one
The following syncs may also resonate + show that this reading is for you + you are apart of this group: Alice, Persephone, Red Riding Hood, Barbie, France, astrocartography, Moon line, IC line, Neptune line, shadow masculine, nun, Thailand, Los Angeles, Mickey, Disney, queen, red moon cycle, kundalini, sacral power, dragon (esp white), white snakes, Eve, vedic astrology, angels
Are you ready for the beginning of a new you, a new life, + a new world? Let’s talk

2025 is the year of the maiden. If you’re not familiar with what that is - a maiden year tends to be an adventurous year of new beginnings where you are an apprentice or beginner in some way undergoing an initiation.
In the year 2025, the need to take risks and make bold changes will be absolutely necessary for those seeking to uncover their spiritual purpose. Playing it safe will no longer suffice, as the world undergoes a profound transformation that demands a deeper level of self-exploration, spiritual knowing, innovative thinking, + thinking outside of the box. Those who heed the call will find themselves on a triggering path of highs + lows unlocking the mysteries of their existence through diving deeper into themselves, learning of their past lives, and aligning their lives with a higher purpose.
Now, although 2025 is a maiden year for many you mind find that this particular message will resonate with you if some or all of the following resonate:
you identify with being a maiden
you’ve been doing inner child healing
you feel an abrupt urge to make major changes in your life (especially moving somewhere new)
you were born into a religious family or have religious wounds
you lost a group of friends, friend, or feel like you no longer resonate with your social circle
you have been dealing with certain physical symptoms or health issues
you have history in sex work or taboo lines of work
you were a rebel or black sheep growing up
you didn’t have just one friend group growing up
you’re a writer
you speak multiple languages or you’re feeling called to learn a new one
The following syncs may also resonate + show that this reading is for you + you are apart of this group: Alice, Persephone, Red Riding Hood, Barbie, France, astrocartography, Moon line, IC line, Neptune line, shadow masculine, nun, Thailand, Los Angeles, Mickey, Disney, queen, red moon cycle, kundalini, sacral power, dragon (esp white), white snakes, Eve, vedic astrology, angels
Are you ready for the beginning of a new you, a new life, + a new world? Let’s talk